
Privacy Policy

We, MechOn Tech Solutions, are registered at Dahisar East , here in after referred to as MechOn. At MechOn, we respect your privacy & value your trust. This Privacy Policy provides you with details about the manner in which your data is collected, stored & used by us. You are advised to read this policy carefully. After going through below details, you expressly give us consent to use & disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of the policy, please do not use or access MechOn website and mobile applications. Note: Request you to kindly review the policy periodically since it can change without any prior notification. The privacy policy shall apply to both MechOn website and mobile applications


We are using third party tools like App Virility to manage promotional activities and we’ll be sharing the user information with such third party tools. However, we do not sell or rent individual customer names or other Personal Information to third parties except sharing of such information with partners or vendors who are engaged by us for providing various promotional and other benefits to our customers from time to time. Any emails and/or SMS sent by MechOn will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services & products and this Privacy Policy. In case we receive legally-compliant request to disclose your personal information, then we reserve the right to do so.

Personal Information

In connection to the services offered by MechOn, personal information means and includes all information that can be linked to specific individual or to identify any individual, such as name, mobile number, email-id, credit card number, debit card number, card holder name, expiration date, account details that may have been provided by user to access the services. While browsing the MechOn website, it may collect information regarding Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer, Internet Service Provider (ISP) you are using and anonymous statistical data.

Using Personal Information

MechOn uses the information provided by you to share offers based on your interest, location and past history. These offers help you save your money and experience great service. MechOn also uses this information to provide you services you requested for, to troubleshoot issues you may come across while using our service, to resolve disputes, to customize your experience, to communicate with you updates, detect & protect us against error, fraud and other criminal activity, enforce our terms and conditions, etc.


A “cookie” is a small piece of information stored by a web server on a web browser so it can be later read back from that browser. MechOn uses cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. No personal information will be collected via cookies and other tracking technology.

What Sapp Communication

We give our consent to receive transactional communications from MechOn over WhatsApp channel on booking order through app and website.


MechOn has stringent security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under its control. Once your information is in MechOn’s possession it adheres to strict security guidelines, protecting it against unauthorized access.